
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Modify Time Deposits

This window allows the user to modify a client Time-Deposit. To be able to modify a Time-Deposit, the Time-Deposits should have been opened under Savings/Time Deposits/Open Time Deposits. Time Deposits that have already been entered can be retrieved, modified and then saved


How to Modify Time Deposits

Time Deposits that have already been entered can be retrieved, modified and then saved.

To modify Time Deposits, go to Savings/Time Deposits/Modify Time Deposits, the following screen appears:

Click on the Next command button to continue. (The Open Time-Deposit dialog is displayed with the specified time deposit details)

Select the mode of interest calculation from the available radio options. For further information on these option refer to Interest Calculation Methods.


Note Also you have to indicate what should be done with the capital at maturity. The possibilities are to automatically renew the time deposit for another term, to remit the balance to the savings account or it can be withdrawn by the client in cash.


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